Friday, October 11, 2013

Let US be the CHANGE

Written by Unknown at 2:56 AM
     The world is a Venus flytrap.
     And we are the plant swilling down the remains of its destruction.

     Rewind life...
     The world was utopian. Unspoiled, isolated. The islands were rooted in Old World charm. The sun lounging against a backdrop propping up its rays, the wind creasing itself for embrace, the birds fluttering and humming in tranquility. Everything was melodic, everything was in harmony.

     Play the reality...
     Dead land, naked trees and scattered compounds stretching to miles: these are what I see. The destruction of environment (and humanity) is stirring. And a new competitor enters the game of life- science. Composed of different aspects (marine, agriculture, medicine, sanitation), science becomes beneficial to ordinary living when properly applied. When misused, it could be a harmful android making land be poisoned by toxic chemicals, air be polluted by greenhouse gases, water be contaminated by trashes and man could mobilize science to his own destruction.

     Anticipate the future...
     Our way of life is dependent on it and its consequences surround us in all angles. All we need is to work as one towards the betterment of all and sundry. From morning to midnight, we  are being served constantly by science. Science is a good servant but man must remain a good master.

     With this year's theme "Unravel the Causes, Build the Solutions; Empower Science Clubbers into Action", I would make my words more of reality than fiction. To wrap this up, I will share a simple citation of what I've became aware of. We are all science clubbers. We, all of us, can impart a great footstep of progress in the field of Science and Technology. If we could just hold on together and work together as one, with one goal, one objective, one commitment and with one voice, then all the environmental problems that the world is facing today would be totally eradicated. So what are we waiting for? 



Jaziree Mia Copyright © 2012 Antonia Sundrani